Water in the arid and semiarid regions of Arizona is often concentrated along narrow canyons draining from the high mountains. With a great variety of plants these riparian corridors support a great diversity of insects. To a casual observer all arthropods get lumped together as bugs. Entomologists, however, as insects possessing piercing-sucking mouthparts, gradual metamorphosis, and in many species membraneous wings. Many feed on plants by sucking up plant juices, but a significant portion of true bugs are predatory. A few are even blood suckers by biting birds or mammals. |
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African Cluster BugAccidentally introduced and common in many Arizona habitats. Intricate mottled pattern.More ... |
Shield BugThese could be mistaken for beetles. But shield has no median seam and the mouthparts are piercing sucking. More ... |
Agave Plant BugFound exclusively on agave plants where common. Causes oozing spots on leaves and stems. More ... |
Sunflower Plant BugThere are dozens of green plant bug species. This one was on AZ sunflower. More ... |
CatorhinthaBrown bug about 11mm, with a marginal band of cream-white. Can be found on variety of plants. More ... |
Leaf-footed BugFlag-like expansions on the back legs and a white zigzag across the back. More ... |
Giant Mequite BugArmed with multiple defenses: toxic sprays, intimidating size, and sharp spines. More ... |
Giant Agave BugVery large, mostly black bug, with orange tips of legs and antennae. Hind legs with leaf-like expansions. More ... |
Milkweed BugBold red and black bug. Black band across mid section and black diamond on thorax More ... |
Cactus Bugs
Tree HopperMany species of tree hoppers. This one may or may not be a specialist on Arizona Sycamore. Guarding ants common. More ... |
Sibovia SharpshooterAlternating stripes of reddish and white on a bullet-shaped, jumping bug. This one on grape. More ... |
Yellow-headed HopperNo common name for this small blue hopper with a distinct yellow head. Only about 2½mm long. Jumps and flies. More ... |
Willow LeafhopperThere are hundreds of kinds of leafhoppers in Arizona. This one was found on Goodding's Willow. More ... |
Ash Woolly AphidsLong white threads cover short-legged bugs. Feeding causes leaves to curl. More ... |
Woolly Oak AphidInside these tightly folded Emory Oak leaves were waxy, white bugs less than 2mm long. More ... |
Manzanita Gall AphidBright red galls on leaves of Manzanita are frequently encountered. They contain aphids in the genus Tamalia. More ... |
Grape PhylloxeraVery small, yellowish aphid-like bugs are found on the concave side of these leaf blisters. More ... |
Cottony Giant ScaleThese bugs look like berries hanging from twigs of a Mimosa shrub. More ... |
Arizona Naturalist
Sycamore Canyons
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