Pink-throat Morning-Glory

Ipomoea longifolia

Pinkthroat Morning-glory, Ipomoea longifolia, © by Michael Plagens

Observed along Sycamore Wash in the Patagonia Mountains, Sta. Cruz Co., Arizona, USA. 29 Aug. 2015.

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PERENNIAL: Several to many thick, succulent stems radiate from base running along soil, occasionally rooting or becoming buried in the shifting sand. 2+ meters long. Stems do not twine.

LEAVES: The leaves are long and narrow while the margins are entire.

FLOWERS: Large showy trumpets have deep pink throats.

RANGE: Found mostly in broad canyon bottoms where plenty of loose sand hides below ground water flows. Southeast Arizona and Sonora.

FRUIT: Dry, four-seeded capsules.


Convolvulaceae -- Morning-Glory Family

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Other Morning-Glories

Ivy-leaf Morning-glory  Silver Dwarf Morning-glory  Canyon Morning-glory  Field Bindweed  Paiute False Bindweed  Trans-Pecos Morning-glory 

Arizona Naturalist
Sycamore Canyons
The Flora of Arizona's Sycamore Canyons


Copyright Michael J. Plagens, page created 06 Sept. 2015.