Bigelow's Beggarticks

Bidens bigelovii

Bigelow's Begarticks, Bidens bigelovii, © by Michael Plagens

Observed along Sycamore Wash in the Patagonia Mountains, Sta. Cruz Co., Arizona, USA. 29 Aug. 2015.

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LEAVES: The leaves are pinnately divided into narrow segments.

FLOWERS: This plant is a composite so the flowers are grouped together into a compact head. Disc flowers are yellow and number a dozen or less. Ray flowers are short and white and may number less than five.

ANNUAL: Seeds germinate in summer depending on arrival of rains; one or a few branching stems reach a maximum of 1.5 meters tall.

RANGE: This plant in Arizona requires mostly well-watered soil in the canyon bottoms.

FRUIT: Each of the florets in the head gives rise to a nearly black seed with two barbed awns. These serve to disperse the seeds by catching hold of fur or clothing.


Asteraceae -- Sunflower Family

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Arizona Naturalist
Sycamore Canyons
The Flora of Arizona's Sycamore Canyons


Copyright Michael J. Plagens, page created 03 Sept. 2015.