Arizona Naturalist >>> Sycamore Gallery Animals >>> Birds >>> Violet-green Swallow
Violet-green Swallow |
Tachycineta thalassina |
![]() Arizona Sycamores often shed branches leaving what seems to be most perfect nest holes for many birds including Vioet-green Swallows. Along Sycamore Creek in the western foothills of the Mazatzal Mountain, Maricopa Co., Arizona, USA. May 2010. Notice the glimpse of white just above the tail. Sponsored Links: |
The head and back are irridescent green to violet (depending on light direction) while the chest and belly are snow white. The Violet-green Swallow has white nearly wrapping above the rump whereas the similar Tree Swallow does not. Summer Resident - Migration to Neotropics for winter monthsHirundinidae -- Swallow FamilyMore Information: |
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