Oct. 12th, 2014. Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument on the Arizona-Mexico border south of Gila Bend. September 2014 was one of the wettest on record in the Sonoran Desert. The low desert areas of Organ Pipe were verdent green with creosote bush, palo verdes and brittle bush putting forth abundant new foliage. Few flowers though except for the not showy Mexican Jumping Bean. The foothills of the Ajo Mountains on the other hand had numerous things in bloom.
Jumping Bean
Oct. 12, 2014, Organ Pipe N.M., AZ. No beans yet, just very obscure spikes on dark green
shrubs 2 to 4m tall. More
Oct. 12, 2014, Organ Pipe N.M., AZ. Shrubs about a meter tall and with small,
sandy-textured leaves. More
Three-seeded Mercury
Oct. 12, 2014, Organ Pipe N.M., AZ. Smaller shrubs with dark green leaves turning
coppery. Peculiar red-green flowers. More info
Palmer's Indian Mallow
Oct. 12, 2014, Organ Pipe N.M., AZ. Big velvety soft leaves. Five free petals. Schizocarp
fruit. More
White-thorn Acacia
Oct. 12, 2014, Organ Pipe N.M., AZ. Large shrub with feathery leaves and straight thorns.
Flowers are a yellow puff-ball of stamens. More
Aug. 31st, 2014. Apache Trail northeast of Apache Junction passes between the north side of the Superstition Mountains and the string of man-made lakes and reservoirs on the Salt River. The spectacular geology of rhyolite is also very amenable to blooming shrubs and wildflowers.
Thurber's Cotton
Aug. 31, 2014, Apache Trail, AZ. Leafy shrubs with large white flowers marked with pink.
Small boles with only a few threads of cotton. More
Sacred Datura
Aug. 31, 2014, Apache Trail, AZ. Very large, dark green leaves on robust herbaceous
plant. Fruit covered with sharp spines. More
Aug. 31, 2014, Apache Trail, AZ. The flowers are very small and green. Huge numbers of
bees and other insects will draw your attention. More
Trailing Four O'Clock
Aug. 31, 2014, Apache Trail, AZ. Bright pink flowers on a vine-like plant that runs along
the ground. Common across Sonoran Desert. More info
Fountain Grass
Aug. 31, 2014, Apache Trail, AZ. An escape from decorative landscapes and now a serious
threat to native wildflowers. More
Aug. 25th, 2014. A week ago wide swaths of the Sonoran Desert were inundated with heavy tropical rains. With hot temperatures the floral response is nearly instantaneous.
Trailing Four O'Clock
Aug. 24, 2014, White Tank Mountains, AZ. Bright pink flowers on a vine-like plant that
grows along the ground. More info
Scarlet Spiderling
Aug. 24, 2014, White Tank Mountains, AZ. Small magenta flowers on fast-growing, slender
stems. Leaves feel sticky. More
California Caltrop
Aug. 24, 2014, White Tank Mountains, AZ. The summer annual also grows prostrate along the
soil forming an expanding mat of vegetation. More
Desert Hackberry
Aug. 24, 2014, White Tank Mountains, AZ. Very small green flowers on thorny shrub. New
leaves appeared very quickly after the rain. More info
Desert Senna
Aug. 24, 2014, White Tank Mountains, AZ. Low shrubby plant with clusters of big yellow
flowers. Flourishes especially at road sides and in washes. More info
May 10th, 2014. With a high temperature expected above 35° my effort to find wildflowers ended before noon. What's blooming now is limited to mostly perennial herbs and woody shrubs. In canyon bottoms where available water is concentrated there remains plenty of color and great nature watching.
Holly-leaf Buckthorn
May 10, 2014, North of Carefree, AZ. Large shrub w/holly-like leaves. Clusters of small
yellow-green flowers. More info
Desert Honeysuckle
May 10, 2014, North of Carefree, AZ. 1-½ m tall shrub with long tubular orange-red
flowers with hummingbirds in attendence. More info
Buckhorn Cholla
May 10, 2014, North of Carefree, AZ. Succulent stems appearing segmented and covered with
sharp spines and minute spines. Numerous petals and stamens. More info
Engelmann Prickly-Pear
May 10, 2014, North of Carefree, AZ. Stems forming flat, disc-shaped pads. Large yellow
flowers arrated on margins of top pads. More
Woolly Desertstar
May 10, 2014, North of Carefree, AZ. Herbaceous annuals now almost completely whithered
away. Long cottony hairs on stems and sepals. More
Mar. 30th, 2014. A mini-Bio-Blitz spearheaded by members of the Phoenix Chapter of the Arizona Native Plant Society turned up more than 130 plants in bloom in Walnut Canyon and White Canyon Wilderness south of Superior Arizona. Many of the annuals were much smaller than there size after a proper amount of winter rain. We also observed birds, reptiles, butterflies, amphibians and mammals. Thus, despite the shortage of precipitation we found much to capture our attention:
Desert Rose Mallow
Mar. 30, 2014, White Canyon Wilderness, AZ. Delightful yellow with five broad petals on a
scragly few-stemmed shrub. More
Red Maids
Mar. 30, 2014, White Canyon Wilderness, AZ. Fleshy stems and leaves. Grows low to soil
with bright pink or white blooms. More
Purple Owl's Clover
Mar. 30, 2014, White Canyon Wilderness, AZ. Spikes of super magenta flowers on short
herbaceous plants. More
Desert Phlox
Mar. 30, 2014, White Canyon Wilderness, AZ. Snow-white flowers at termina of tall,
slender stems. More
Golden Linanthus
Mar. 30, 2014, White Canyon Wilderness, AZ. Small plant with several long-peduncled,
five-petaled flowers. More
Mar. 17th, 2014. The welcome rain from March 1st has revived some annuals and spurred perennials to bloom. Several spots had thin, but bright yellow carpets of bladderpod. The following were found at the southern end of Rainbow Valley where it adjoins the North Maricopa Mountains Wilderness:
Mar. 16, 2014, Rainbow Valley, AZ. Common name reflects the plant when dormant. Delicate
pink and very sweet smelling when blooming! More
Yellow Bladderpod
Mar. 16, 2014, Rainbow Valley, AZ. Much shorter than usually seen in wet years. Look for
bladder-like seed pods 3mm dia. More
Mar. 16, 2014, Rainbow Valley, AZ. Minute green white flowers on a small plant will go
unnoticed except by an observant nature lover. More
Prickly Poppy
Mar. 16, 2014, Rainbow Valley, AZ. Large white flowers atop a very prickly plant. Likes
pastures where there are too many animals. More info
Desert Lupine
Mar. 16, 2014, Rainbow Valley, AZ. Compound leaves arranged palm-like. Slender, hairy
leaflets. Purple flowers. More
Mar. 8th, 2014. Sure enough, last weekend our more than 2 months without rain ended with a substantial rainstorm that produced from 12 to 50 mm of rain across the Sonoran Desert. A few annuals that had nearly died have been revived, but it has been the perennials that have responded strongly and are now blooming well in some places. Today along US-60 east of Mesa there were plenty blooms expecially near the roadsides including Desert Marigold, Brittlebush, Creosote Bush, Parry's Beardtongue, and Canyon Ragweed. At Boyce Thompson Arboretum the gardens were ablaze with color and the desert trails offered the following among many other species:
Purple Bladderpod
Mar. 8, 2014, Superior, AZ. White with purple flowers have four petals. Fruit are
spherical and turgid. More
Blue Dicks
Mar. 8, 2014, Superior, AZ. Slender, grass-like leaves all at ground level. Clusters of
lavender-blue flowers atop tall wand stalk. More
Miner's Lettuce
Mar. 8, 2014, Superior, AZ. Minute white flowers in center of cup-shaped bract. Grows in
shady spots along cliff faces. More info
Mar. 8, 2014, Superior, AZ. Flowers white, but very small and hard to see. Fruit is a
flat disc with a wonderful lacy border. More
Bush Penstemon
Mar. 8, 2014, Superior, AZ. One or two-meter tall bush with abundant bright yellow
snap-dragon flowers. On cliff slopes with partial shade. More info
Feb. 23rd, 2014. The peak of springtime wildflowers may well be passed. Two months without rain have left annuals very small or absent, while shrubs are putting forth lackluster shows of color. But, wait! Next weekend is predicted to bring some rain. How much is anyone's guess.
Creosote Bush
Feb. 23, 2014. Tucson Mountains. Woody shrubs, with resinous, dark green leaves and
fuzzy-white seeds. Up to 2 m tall. More
Triangle-leaf Bursage
Mar. 8, 2014, Superior, AZ. Not showy, flowers greenish yellow. Frequent cause of pollen
allergies. Medium-sized woody shrub. More
Desert Marigold
Feb. 23, 2014. Tucson Mountains. Low-growing perennial herb with over-sized, bright
yellow daisy-flowers. Mostly at roadsides that get extra water. More
Orange Fiddleneck
Feb. 23, 2014. Tucson Mountains. Way smaller than usual this year. Leaves feel prickly.
Slender herbaceous stems. More info
Fairy Duster
Mar. 8, 2014, Superior, AZ. Shrubby plants with compound leaves. Largest plants with
biggest flower clusters at roadsides. More
Feb. 1st, 2014. We were surprised to find many wildflowers blooming while touring Old US-80 along Arlington Mesa and the rocky hills near Gillespie Dam (s.w of Buckeye, AZ) Some decent rains in Nov-Dec 2013 were followed by very mild Dec and January temperatures. Several hillsides were all yellow with Bladderpod, a kind of mustard. Without significant rain during this February, the spring wildflower seasonnfor 2014 will be mostly very bleak.
Fremont Thornbush
Feb. 1, 2014. Woody shrubs, mostly just under 2 m tall, with fleshy leaves and small
purple flowers. More
Desert Sunflower
Feb. 1, 2014, Yellow rays and yellow discs. Herbaceous annual of sandy soils. Leaves
gritty textured. More
Coulter's Globe Mallow
Feb. 1, 2014. Low-growing annual often in the partial shade of desert shrubs. Five very
orange petals. More
Feb. 1, 2014. Bright yellow, four-petalled flowers on low herb. Fruit forms spherical
pods. More
Lamb's Quarters
Feb. 1, 2014, Robust weedy plant at margins of farm fields and along irrigation ditches.
Flowers green-red and very small. More