Canyon Grape |
Vitis arizonica |
Illustrated from a specimen found in Sabino Canyon, Sta. Catalina Mts., Pima County, Arizona, USA. |
VINE: In deep shady canyons where reliable water flows canyon grape
vines will be found rambling into riparian trees and shrubs. Forked tendrils
help this climber up. The grapes, together with the tough seeds inside, are avidly eaten by many kinds of birds. Later, the seeds will be passed in their feces and thereby be dispersed. The leaves are fed upon by a variety of insects including the grape leaf skeletonizer. Piercing-sucking insects such as leafhoppers take sap from growing stems. Follow the thumb links below for more information about each animal: Vitaceae -- Grape Vine FamilySponsored Links:More Information: |
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