Shrubs, one small tree, many perennial herbs. Tubular flowers with five points. Fruit often a berry with several to many seeds. Leaves simple, alternate. Many species.
Desert Thorn-apple |
Datura discolor |
Sacred Datura |
Datura wrightii |
Annual with large dark green leaves and large white, purple-centered flowers. Grows along washes of lower deserts. Calyx strongly angled or winged. Detailed Description |
Large perennial with striking, very large, white flowers. Dark green leaves. Common especially near riparian habitats in the Sonoran Desert. Detailed Description |
Purple Nighshade |
Solanum xanti |
Silver-leaf Nighshade |
Solanum eleagnifolium |
Upper Sonoran Desert spring perennial with numerous, showy purple flowers. Lance or ovate dark green leaves. Detailed Description |
Weedy annual mostly in urban and agricultural settings in the Sonoran Desert. Stems often prickly. Purple flowers and yellow berries. Detailed Description |
Hind's Nighshade |
Solanum hindsianum |
Small shrub, or sometimes with a single trunk 2 m tall. Rare north of Sonora, Mexico. Detailed Description |
Douglas' Nighshade |
Solanum douglasii |
Thick-leaved Ground Cherry |
Physalis crassifolia |
Annual or perennial found in or near mesquite bosques or other part-shade habitats at middle and upper elevations of the Sonoran Desert. Petals white with prominent yellow stamens. Fruit a dark berry. Detailed Description |
Low growing perennial may be found near washes or in partial shade of cliffs. Late spring to fall blooming with yellow flowers. Berry is enclosed inside a papery bract. Photo by Wikimedia User: Stan Shebs. Detailed Description |
Seaside Petunia |
Calibrachoa parviflora |
Lobed Ground Cherry |
Quincula lobata |
Low spring annual found in moist soil along riparian streams. Leaves spatulate and sticky. Flowers small. Detailed Description |
Perennial found near damp or riparian areas. Dark green leaves. No spines. Dark purple flowers and a fruit enclosed in lantern-like calyx. Detailed Description |