Coyote Willow
Narrow-leaved Willow

Salix exigua

Photo © by Michael Plagens

Photographed in Maricopa County, Arizona, USA along the Salt River in October 2007. This photo is also hosted at Wikimedia where there are additional images of many willow (Salix) species.

SHRUB: A large shrub often forming dense thickets.

RANGE: Uncommon to common in the Sonoran Desert along major river courses or ditches that are occasionally subjected to inundation. Often where the water or soil are slightly saline or alkaline. Found throughout the Western United States and is quite variable in leaf size, texture, and serrations. Many named varieties exist.

FLOWERS: Male and female flowers are in separate compact spikes or catkins on the same plant. The catkins at left are male - composed entirely of male, staminate flowers. Late fall to spring.

LEAVES: Alternate, linear leaves have a few sparse teeth along the margins. Silky texture when young.

SEEDS: Covered with white, silky hairs.

UNARMED. No thorns.

Salicaceae -- Willow Family

More Info:

Sonoran Desert Field Guide
Sonoran Desert Places
Sonoran Desert Naturalist Home Page

Copyright Michael J. Plagens, page created 18 Oct. 2008,
updated 2 March 2022.