Sonoran Desert Naturalist >>> Field Guide >>> Sonoran Desert Flora >>> Rubiaceae

Sonoran Desert Coffees

Annuals, Perennials and Shrubs. Opposite or whorled leaves. Fruit a pair of fused achenes. Several species.


Cephalanthus occidentalis

Shrubby Bedstraw

Galium stellatum

Photo by K. Darrow

Woody shrub usu. of wet places, thus restricted to riparian areas with good water supply. Spherical clusters of bright white flowers. Detailed Description

Photo © by Mike Plagens

Smallish woody shrub usu. of shady canyons or north-facing cliffs. After flowering abundant glistening paired fruits. Leaves in whorls of four at each node. Detailed Description

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Galium aparine

Photo by K. Darrow

Annual of spring growing mostly in shady, moist spots upon mountains and in deep canyon. Leaves whorled. Hooked hairs on fruits and stems. Detailed Description

Sonoran Desert Places


Copyright Michael J. Plagens, 1999-2009