Sonoran Desert Naturalist >>> Field Guide >>> Sonoran Desert Flora >>> Boraginaceae >>> Cryptantha angustifolia

Narrow-leaf Popcorn Flower

Cryptantha angustifolia

Photo © by Michael Plagens

Photographed on a vacant lot in Phoenix, Arizona, USA in April 2007. This photo is hosted at Wikimedia where there are additional images of plants in the boraginaceae.

RANGE: Abundant on creosote deserts following winter or spring rains.

LEAVES: Nearly linear leaves, like the rest of the foliage, are covered in stiff, bristly hairs.

SEEDS: Each flower develops four single-seeded nutlets that separate from one another. One nutlet, the one facing away from the stem, is larger than the other three.

ANNUAL: A diminutive spring annual rarely exceding 15 cm and may grow partially prostrate. There are a number of similar Cryptantha species found on the Sonoran Desert.

FLOWERS: White, five petaled flowers are minute. About a millimeter in diameter. They are borne in a scorpioid inflorescence. Some specimens may have petals up to 4 mm across.

UNARMED. The stiff bristles make this plant uncomfortable to the touch.

Boraginaceae -- Borage Family

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Copyright Michael J. Plagens, 1999-2009