Arizona Naturalists >>> Sonoran Desert Naturalist >>> Field Guide >>> Sonoran Desert Flora >>> Asteraceae >>> Conyza bonariensis

Hairy Horseweed

Conyza bonariensis

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Photo © by Michael Plagens

Growing in a crushed-rock xeriscape bed despite nylon mesh mulch below the stones. Glendale, Arizona, USA. July 2010.

ANNUAL: Herbaceous summer annual germinating from seed by mid spring and persisting through summer, depending on available moisture. Surprisingly able to grow with very little moisture. Generally with a few upright stems occasionally exceeding 50 cm tall.

FLOWERS: Numerous small flower heads remain mostly closed up with just a bit of white bristles appearing above the bracts. The bract tips may appear purplish.

LEAVES: Leaves and stems are covered with long silky hairs giving the plant a silvery appearance. Leaves are elyptic to linear, usu. with several teeth on the margins.

RANGE: Frequent weed in alleyways, ditch banks and in even xeriscap urban gardens. Sometimes in washes in natural desert areas.

FRUIT: Heads produce abundant, single-seeded achenes topped by fine bristles that serve to distribute seeds via wind.

UNARMED. Without thorns.

Seed Bug Sunflower Lacer Bug Two insects are sometimes abundant on this plant. Seed Bugs feed on developing seed heads and lace bugs are sometimes so abundant as to defoliate plants.

Asteraceae -- Sunflower Family

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Copyright Michael J. Plagens, 1999-2010