FRUIT: Scale-shaped nutlet has fine teeth or crenulations along its
LEAVES: Grayish-green leaves are triangular to elliptic up to a few
centimeters long. Scaly hairs impart a powdery/mealy texture.
SHRUB: A medium to very large shrub often bearing an abundance of seeds
that weighs over the branch tips.
RANGE: Common through much of the Sonoran Desert in Arizona especially
near rivers and areas that are occasionally flooded (e.g. bolsons, salt pans).
Areas near agriculture and irrigation ditches often support large quailbushes.
FLOWERS: Spikes of greenish-yellow male flowers are borne above the
clusters of greenish female flowers which only become apparent once the seeds
begin development. Pollen becomes airborne and may be of concern to hay fever
ARMED (LIGHTLY): The main stems have short, stiff twiglets that can
function as thorns, although they are not really sharp.
Chenopodiaceae -- Goosefoot Family
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