Alighted on damp soil at the shoreline of Kearney Lake, Pinal Co., Arizona,
June 2010.
Bombyliidae -- Bee-Fly Family
Bee-flies resemble bees for a good reason: it provides these otherwise
defenseless insects a measure of protection from insectivorous birds and
lizards. These flies do not sting nor do they come to food at picnics nor
garbage. As adults they spend a lot of time hovering close to the soil in a
bare patch and feeding is generally restricted to nectar from flowers. Some
have specialized, long and slender, flower-feeding mouthparts - these are
not used for biting people. There are many species of bee-flies with a range of
biologies, but most are parasitic on ground nesting insects such as bees,
beetles and grasshoppers.
A Few of the many, many other Bee-Fly Species (thumbs):
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