Great Spreadwing

Archilestes grandis

Archilestes grandis photo © by Laurie Nessel

This male Great Spreadwing was observed along a permanent riparian stretch of Mesquite Wash, Maricopa Co., Arizona on 18 Oct. 2009. Spreadwings are larger than other damselfly families.

Lestidae -- Spreadwing Damselfly Family

As damselflies, spreadwings have a delicate, fluttering flight, but unlike many damselflies spreadwings alight with the wings held open. There is a yellow stripe on each side of the thorax, not visible in the shot at left, which as a good identifying characteristic. Found near ponds and streams with ample aquatic vegetation. This insect has apparently increased its range northward from its previous range, southern United States all the way South America.

More Information:

Sonoran Desert Field Guide
Sonoran Desert Places
Sonoran Desert Naturalist Home Page


Copyright Michael J. Plagens, page created 22 Oct. 2009,
updated 11 March 2022.