Arizona Naturalists >>> Ponderosa Woodland Flora >>> Plantaginaceae >>> Pentstemon barbatus

Beard-Lip Penstemon

Penstemon barbatus

Beard-Lip Beard-tongue, Penstemon barbatus, photo © by Mike Plagens

Observed in open, mature ponderosa forest in the Upper East Verde watershead just below the Mogollon Rim, Gila Co., Arizona, USA. August 2010.

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FLOWERS: Long-tubular, lipstick-red flowers with two distinct lips. A Beard-Lip Penstemon series of long hairs on the shorter, lower lip is the namesake. This feature is best seen in newly opened flowers. Red flowers like these are heavily visited by Broad-tailed Hummingbirds.

LEAVES: The leaves are narrow with the margin shallowly round-toothed. The foliage is glabrous - smooth and free of pubescence.

PERENNIAL: Above ground portion is herbaceous and regrows for several years from a root stock. Plant height is typically 50  to 100 cm - the stems are slender and flexible.

RANGE: This is a common wildflower in open pinelands and pinyon-juniper coming into flower mostly after summer rains.

FRUIT: Dry, capsules with many seeds.

UNARMED. Thornless.

Scrophulariaceae -- Snapdragon Family (traditionally)
Plantaginaceae -- Plantain Family

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Arizona's Ponderosa Woodlands
The Flora of Arizona's Ponderosa Woodlands


Copyright Michael J. Plagens, page created 27 September 2012